High Up~
Eye On Malaysia is now in Malacca! We were on the way back from dinner and saw d big Ferris Wheel. So we decided to check it out. Who are we? It was just d 7 of us (Me, Ad, Dona, Kannan, Bryan, Alex & Hamster) stuffed in Hamster's Lancer. LOL.
Just so u guys know, Fitri is also known as Hamster amongst us. He seriously do act like one! Esp when he plays pool!
Well, this Hamster of ours hates d Ferris Wheel. Yeah. He's scared of heights and closed spaces. Thats what I can conclude from d way he was acting d moment we said we're going for a ride.
omg should have recorded it! He was so pale! And so quiet! Comparing to how noisy he always is. LOL.
ps: Fit dont be angry with me k if ure reading this. hehehehe.
Picture time!
Hamster is d one in blue