Friday, January 30, 2009

Broken doll

Lights off. Only the scented aromatherapy candles were lighted up. Two of them. She figured that it might soothe her-calm her. She sat in d corner of her room. Reminiscing how her life had been these past year, tears started to flood her eyes and flowed like a river at a constant speed. Her happy memories. Her sad ones. Everything came and went. She had been happy with him. She had never loved anyone like this ever before. She opened up to him. Knowing that she might get hurt again and still she took that chance feeling that he worth it. She cared about him. She felt safe with him.

The feeling that she felt at that very moment was a feeling she had never felt before. It was so painful that her whole body just kinda felt numb. Her heart felt like it was pierced with a thousand thorns. A glass smashed to a million pieces. That was how it was. He had hurt her in all the ways thats possible. She knew some of it was her fault. She knew a certain thing about him but she never mentioned it just coz she thought that it might make matters worse. But now its too late. Old wounds bleed again. New ones juz wont seem to heal. The pain would never go away. Though she can forgive, d pain would juz remain there.

She cried so hard so much to d extend that tears stop flowing. She needed to channel out d pain she felt. The next thing she realised was d blood streaming from the 2 lines on her arm which synbolized the number 2. The sight of it somehow somewhat weirdly soothes her. She didnt feel pain from the cut. She juz stared at it.

Realising that it was almost sunrise and her dad might find her distraught like that, she went to bed and cried herself to sleep.

She had always loved him and will always do.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sky High

Great music. Great people. Great fun.

Reen just finished her finals last week and we thought of having a lil bit of fun and go clubbing! A thing we hadnt done in ages! Ages i mean! So, we called up some of our friends and headed to Cynna last saturday night. Most of d pictures are already up on her facebook album. So il just post some here alright.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The TwentyFifth

Since Ad & Bryan didnt go back to their hometown for xmas. we went to kl to have a lil celebration of our own. It was a last minute plan to go down to kl. We pack our stuffs and changed by the time we left melaka it was already late in d evening.

We headed to Pavillion for dinner and took some photos.

i have no idea whatsoever of what they were doing,

Hamster puffing? Yeah right.

And then we hang around Bukit Bintang.
Got some snow spray and Horns!
i love d Horns!

Right after that we went to Times Square to meet up with d Chris.
And while waiting Chris to show up we did some of these:

We went to a club to celebrate d 12o'clock strike of xmas.
Didnt take any nice photos there.
By the time we leaving KL it was already late. Fitri couldnt drive back to Melaka as he was too tired. So they all crashed at my house in Subang.
Went Sunway d next day. Took my dad's Audi and more camwhoring were involved. LOL.

We reached Melaka at 11pm.
Tons of fun.
And tiring too.

Of Food, Music & Sofa.

Xuan Cafe???? Err.... I dont remember why we went to Xuan Cafe. All i know is we went there for some reason and it was not juz for fun sake. LOL. Anybody know let me know yea. Anyway they have nice food nice band! but d service is so slow!! gahh~ its a nice place to chill tho. comparing to Mori Cafe where we always hang out and play cho tai tee (is this how its spelt?) lol. total sucky vocalist. I had fun taking pictures with his phone here while they were busy playing cards. haha.

Some of the photos.
the rest are at his Facebook.

Ad & Bryan cookoo-ness.

Ad laughing like a mad person. forgot whats it bout tho. LOL.

Awesome routine everyday.

High Up~

Eye On Malaysia is now in Malacca! We were on the way back from dinner and saw d big Ferris Wheel. So we decided to check it out. Who are we? It was just d 7 of us (Me, Ad, Dona, Kannan, Bryan, Alex & Hamster) stuffed in Hamster's Lancer. LOL.

Just so u guys know, Fitri is also known as Hamster amongst us. He seriously do act like one! Esp when he plays pool!

Well, this Hamster of ours hates d Ferris Wheel. Yeah. He's scared of heights and closed spaces. Thats what I can conclude from d way he was acting d moment we said we're going for a ride.
omg should have recorded it! He was so pale! And so quiet! Comparing to how noisy he always is. LOL.

ps: Fit dont be angry with me k if ure reading this. hehehehe.

Picture time!
Hamster is d one in blue

November Baby

.18 November 2008.

That night was one of d best night I've ever had. All my close friends were with me to celebrate my 19th birthday. Eventho my best friend Reen since childhood couldn't make it.. still it was alright. I had him and d rest of d clowns whom i love dearly with me.

Had dinner at a Simply Fish, a restaurant in Melaka Raya. After that karaoke at The Jetty. Tho the the place was kinda nice and all, I still prefer RedBox. They have better sound system and more choice of songs. Pictures are below. The rest of em are in my Facebook

Chocolate Cheese Cake bought by him.

LOL. (me, ad, bryan, fitri, dona & carol)

At The Jetty. Yeah he actually sing! hehe.


omg! what d hell is wrong with me?? its 6am and i still cant sleep. tossing and turning on d bed for d past 2hours or so. zzz.

ive been thinking of what to blog as right now my life is practically dull! this is d most suck ass semester break ever. MMU's timetable is way off then d rest of d uni or colleges here. sigh. its a record for me to be at home most of d time for a long period. lol.

so, ive decided to post up some old memories and experience which ive gained ever since i stepped in MMU.. it will be up soon alrite.

right now im off to bed. well at least try to sleep again.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


And so Zywuz went to a far far away land from her hometown called[melaka/bearland/land of the dead] to begin her journey. Being innocent and all, she experience a lot of new[things/people/devils]. One day she met a [security/freak/clown]. they became friends. Soon enough she met more of them. And they became close. And then something happened.....

To be continued..

Depends on how u read it....

Once upon a time there lived an innocent and sweet [girl/woman/unique person],named Zywuz, who loved to [eat koko krunch/kill animals/collect sewage]. One day, she found met this [guy/transvestite/beaver] who told her to go find a magical [clothes/banana/shoe box]. Being bored and all, Zywuz went on this bizzare journey.

To be continued.......


Ahh! Freakkin relieved im home now! Too damn tired already. Didnt get a good sleep last night yet have to wake up early in the morning. *yawns*. Long long longggg dayyyy..... Ive been driving my mum around here and there as she cant drive for a few days. Idiot old lady ran over my mum's foot! Thank god her bones didnt break. Juz swollened up badly. So yeah im her driver today tommorrow and the day after tomorrow. More early morning for me that is. Ish.

Monday, January 19, 2009

At Last

Welcome people! At last my blog is finally up! woot! Right now im totally blur + im in a rush to go out for dinner so will post up more stuffs later aite.