Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Death On The Stairs.

How could this day possibly go any worse... headache+tummyache+sore throat combo!
argh my nose and ears are blocked too :(
Ive never felt any sick than this before! Gosh!! I think its because I hardly get sick and when I do, it totally comes with everything. Full combo laahh! huhuhuhu.
Hmm... Anyway, I have a story that I would like to share with you people out there.
So here it goes...

I have this housemate named Yasmin aka Chubby. Yeah literally. She thinks shes all that hott and etc but the fact is she's just fat and dumb. Im not being mean or whatever its juz is like that. Ive tried to be nice to her but then that pathetic bitch does not know how to appreciate. She never ever tells the truth heck i think she prolly never did lah her entire life. She makes up stories. She makes every group of friends fight and seperate. She totally bullshits. Shes stupid. Yeah she is. All her lies are stupid. Obvious lies. Thinking people dont know. She goes around telling shes a 4 pointer student and never ever took any supplementary paper. Total bullshit! Wei minah kau buat diri sendiri malu je lah.

She was doing law. And apparently from what Ive been hearing around most of d law students hate her because of her fucked up attitude. *I totally agree on that!* So she change la to business. Dalam banyak-banyak course minah tu kena laa jugak nak ambik marketing management sama dgn aku gak kan. Ish. And d most retarded part is she goes telling people that shes doing engineering! Omg what an idiot kan?? As if people wont find out lah kan. aihh.. Some people are born to be retarded naah just her..

Whatever lah kan i couldnt careless about her coz what she do is her life right? She wanna bullshit and live in an imaginary life so be it then. I really dont give a damn! Till yesterday! You totally crossed d line bitch. Aku tak sibuk ngan hidup kau, kau nak menyemak plak dalam hidup aku kan. Youve messed with d wrong person la. Im not like ur idiot friends who would listen to whatever u say and obey mcm anjing kurap tepi jalan ok. Kau cari pasal ngan aku dulu so ok lah il get back to you twice as worse.

Principles of Marketing class 6 to 7pm. We were suppose to find a group for those who havent got any yet. All of us meet up at d lecturer's table for briefing bout d assignment. Bryan's friend, Aliman, came up to a girl and me asking to join his group. We said ok. And what bad luck could I possibly get lah! That bitch came up next to him terhegeh-hegeh nak join the group. Aliman being a nice person and knows nothing bout that bitch accepted her in d group. I was fine by that as long as she minds her own business. But no! Of course she wouldnt! That bitch pulled Aliman to d side and talked shit bout me to him. Howd I know this? This is because Aliman didnt look at me nor pass d paper for d group names to me. Pretty damn obvious already right? Pisst? Yeah of course I am pisst! zz.

I hope you'll be reading this bitch. Il fcking make sure you fcking fail ur coursework.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

♥ ♥

After midnight i shall kidnap you from the world
and i'll keep you in my room
Hush now my love and hold my hand
After midnight i shall take you to a place
where no one else should know of
Hush now my love and hold my hand

You are exactly where you supposed to be
and if they come for you
They would have to find me

Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only

After midnight
I shall stay awake
And if you chose to close your eyes now
Hush now my love
I'll watch you sleep

You are exactly where you supposed to be
And if they come for you
They would have to find me

Keep me awake
Keep me amazed
Only for today
Keep me dazed
My love is yours only

Inside The Skull

Class started like normal.
5 subjects.
all 8am class.
it has been a torturing week to wake up and go to class.
bathing with cold water in d morning gives me headache.
same old routine day to day is really getting to my head already.
but there is nothing else to do anyway.
boring week.
its been hot this whole week.
my room is so freakin stuffy tho all d windows are opened and never closed.
certain people juz annoys me to d max this week.
im still wanting my moonlight shower.
im looking forward to that trip though we're still not sure when and where and what.
tones of assignment to be done.
still im not gonna start any of em soon.
i wanna get high.
i wanna go swimming.
i wanna go to d butterfly farm.
i wanna eat ice cream.
i wanna car.
so many things in my mind right now.
itll be a super long post if i actually let it all out here.
il juz stop right here.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Think of 10-10-10.......

Any person with enough of adequate ordinary wit will see this post will mean another complete waste of your needlessly diligent thoughts bcoz my foolish idea 2 make you understand might fail enormously.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy Birthday !

To My Dearest Gedik lil sis Elleesa ♥ :

Happy 13th Birthday ♥ !

May God Bless You
I Love You So Dearly !

I soooo know what you're gonna ask mummy & daddy for your birthday present this time kan. Bleks. Hope you have tons of fun and not forgetting your only sister here rotting of boredom in Melaka. lol. Il be waiting for the pics yeah!

Lots of ♥,

He said, She said

A dear friend once told me that
no matter what people say or advice you, by the end of the day you are the one to make that decision and you will be the one to be held responsible for of what to come.

Yeah, you're right.
I made my choice.
I took the chance.
I'll stick with it.

Thanks for being there for me.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Meal

*Contain warning: alot of Fitri aka Flizzardo's pictures*

Syazzy to Fitri : your fans are so seeing your pictures here. XD

This happened last month. Before Fitri went to cyber and rot there. Muahaha.
It was a few days before Ad's birthday. So i decided to go for a lil shopping to get him a birthday gift. Me, Bryan, Eric and Fitri went to town to find a place for us to have lunch so we go pusing here there and then we ended up in Dataran Pahlawan. Ok la wanted to go eat at OldTown but then dont know what happen we kinda ended up in McD. It was a pretty confusing day as we cant really decide where to eat. Ish.

The line was fckin long! We queued up for almost half an hour! They queued up for that long and I was sitting at d table. Booking it was more likely. haha.
After d long wait and all Eric's Prosperity burger came single when he actually ordered double. Wanted to go change it but then his receipt states that it was single.
Bryan on d other hand got his double and his receipt with him. Being a smartass, Eric went to change his burger using Bryan's receipt. lol.
Paid for single but got double. haha.

As usual lah me liking Bryan's camera phone and the lighting at our table there so we camwhored.
Here it goes.

This is not candid. He was really posing.

This one too.

The famous lala pose.

That's Eric snickering how he cheated those McD ppl.

Fitri covering perutnya yang buncit!

Bryan checking out some chics there. haha
